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We aim to make 皇冠足彩's summer camp a viable option for academically motivated students from all walks of life. Financial constraints should not be a barrier to a top-notch educational experience.

  1.     What Types of Scholarships Are Available? We offer need-based scholarships to campers. These are designed to make the 皇冠足彩 summer camp accessible to academically motivated students, regardless of their financial situation. There are nearly no full scholarships and those that are available usually come from 3rd parties outside of our camp. The exception to that is if we have last minute openings and scholarship money available.
  2.     Who Is Eligible for Scholarships? The priority is first year campers. We then consider returning campers. They can be combined with financial aid, but cannot exceed $700 per week.
  3.     How Do I Apply for a Scholarship? There a few types of scholarships and each one has a different application process. For need-based scholarships, simply email and we will make a note of it and let you know the decision when it is made. For the April essay contest, campers must write an essay based on topics given. 
  4.     When Is the Scholarship Application Deadline? There are no deadlines, but the earlier the better. We usually run out in May or June, but may reserve some money for our underpopulated weeks.
  5.     What Does the Scholarship Cover? This can vary. It can cover tuition and sometimes the bus ride up and back.
  6.     Can Scholarships Be Rolled Over to 皇冠足彩 the School? No. Camp scholarships or financial aid have no connection to the school. 
  7.     Will Attending on a Scholarship Affect My Camp Experience? Absolutely not. Scholarship recipients are treated the same as all other campers and have full access to all activities and opportunities.
  8.     Can Tuition Be Refunded if We Receive a Scholarship Late? No. Scholarships are used to help those that cannot afford to pay the full amount. We do not refund money if you get a scholarship, but have already paid in full or in part. We would only apply the balance owed. If a scholarship is awarded for the essay contest, but you have already paid in full, we can neither refund money to then apply to scholarship nor can we apply the scholarship to 皇冠足彩 if you have a student attending. Scholarships are to help first year campers come to camp. If you receive financial aid from us and/or a scholarship and then find an external scholarship, we will not give you a refund for any money paid. We will reduce the financial aid or scholarship.


To apply for a scholarship, kindly enter your full name in the field below and click the "Submit" button to confirm your understanding of the eligibility criteria outlined above.
First Name
Last Name